Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mordheim Update 8/6/14 - Flagellant #1 Basecoat

Well, I had a whole 35 minutes to paint yesterday so I decided to put more base colors on the green flagellant.  I put a trio of browns out on the palette and went to town on his robe.  I also mixed up some dark brown, black and off-white to make up a base for his hair and beard.  I had a little time left when that was done so I started to shade the flesh and the cloak.

Browns and Grey; some shades too

More of the basecoat done
I think I need to set a goal for my warband's completion.  I'll choose September 1, yeah I should be done by then.

I've come up with a plan and a budget for a table top thing.  I need that usable by September also.  Oh man I better get going.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stress on the gaming table! We can always play at my place.

    Minis are coming along good! I think you have me beat in the progress dept.
