Thursday, February 1, 2018

February Monthly

The intention for this month was going to be terrain centered but I needed to store a vehicle in my gaming area and now I can't get to a bunch of things.  With those items being temporarily out-of-reach, my focus will shift to finishing up a lot of painting I have started.  Also, I tried out Thursday's for my weekly post (until the Week 4 one); didn't like it.  So for February I'll try...uhm... Monday's?

January Review:

What I learned:

I love the blends you can get with the airbrush but... I need to use larger color differences.  When I did the pajama part on the wood elves I used three colors and liked the transition but it didn't stand out enough.  Sometimes, I had trouble seeing where I was spraying which leads me to...

Find the point the airbrush is going to spray to.  Right now I haven't a clue about where the paint is going until it's there.

Milk?  People say paint should be the consistency of whole milk to spray best.  But for me that comes out too runny and I have trouble controlling the amount of paint coming out of the gun.  Maybe my understanding of "milk consistency" is off.  I need to figure that out.

What's Next:

Highlighting is something I struggle with immensely.  I often get the base layers of projects done and then stop for fear of messing them up. So, I'm just going to buckle down and do it.  As this month goes on I'll push myself to do that and keep record of it here.  I don't know how many models I'll get to this month but hopefully it's a substantial amount.

On a new creative front, a friend got a 3D printer for Christmas and we worked out a creation for paint reciprocation program so we'll see where that leads.  He showed me some heads and helmets he made for his son's Lego's and they look great.  We shall see what happens.

Also, it appears a new game shop may be opening very near to my house.  Hopefully all goes smooth for them and it ends up being a successful venture for them.