Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Update 11-3-15: Rotters and AoW

I've been working on painting quite a bit lately but I haven't been taking pics and such.  I have blocked in the colors on a few of the AoW minis.  They all have a ways to go but I've been working on new techniques on the side that will, hopefully, allow me to paint faster and better.  The technique is called "loaded brush."  The only place I've seen it is on Painting Buddha.  I'm not trying to do it for showcase level and I don't expect to be anywhere near as good as this guy is, but I think it can speed up my painting.  Here are some of the AoW minis so far.

AoW Progressing

I'll take better and individual pictures later.  The problem is, besides me taking poor pictures, I don't think about pictures until I done for the time.  They're an after thought.  The color scheme is based on Brown and Gold, WMU colors.

While waiting for colors to dry or just to break things up a bit, I've been slopping some paint on the Rotters for our defunct leagues community Nurgle team.  I painted a test model quite some time ago and they are fun!  I've changed up a few ideas from then.  Also these are weapon snips from some old minis (Plaguebearers I think) and the previous paint job didn't do these sculpts justice.  I find new and interesting details every time I pick one of these up.

Rotter Fun

It's hard to tell from the pic but these guys have guts spilling out and other random growths; all kinds of nastiness.

I'm also learning, very slowly, how to do NMM.  I'm not even to the point that I feel comfortable showing my failings, my first try turned out looking green and try two looked like light brown cloth.  Maybe I'll post future tries anyway.

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