Possibly my favorite feature of the Liberators are their shields. I wanted to make these shields appear used so they needed to have damage and all that. I used a hobby knife to add some deep grooves and depended on paint to do the rest. The back sides were painted black with gold trim, I left it dark because that part will likely be in the shadows or unseen.
Main shield: Vallejo Black, Vallejo Black/Grey - 3:1 (core), Vallejo Black glaze (shading), Vallejo Black/Grey added to base at different levels (highlight).
Main Sheild Part |
Armor part: Vallejo Hull Red (core), Carb. Crimson (shading), Vallejo Carmine Red added to base at different levels (highlight).
Added Reds |
Much more to do but this is what I have so far.
Looks suitably damaged and grim! Are you going for undecorated metal or painted/coated metal? If painted you can add some sponged on metallic highlights that look like dings/scratches in the finish. I use that on my BB minis and it looks cool I think.