I got about 3 hours over the weekend, not straight, but that was unexpected. My green stuff work is done on all but one model so I decided to work on basing. I viewed a lot of Stormcast Externals online and decide to give them an astrogranite-like base. The table I made last year has a rocky-type look to it and I figured they should look good on that. I made up a slurry of fine grit and white glue and spread that across the bases.
Slurry |
Globbed on then spread with a brush |
When the glue dries it appears clear and the grit was held down very well. At this point I primed the basic Liberators. I used black gesso mixed with a touch of white paint to make a very dark grey brush on primer. Since it's too cold to spray prime reliably this is what I tried. As for the results, I think I'll prime this way from now on.
Grit spread and dry and Gesso primed |
As I stated previously, I finagle some more time than I thought. Since I had the time I used it to start a test model. Basecoats were blocked in and intial washes were done. No detailing or highlighting was done hence the title.
Terrible photo but the scheme shows |
The dark metallic armor was based with a mix I made from three colors: Vallejo Gunmetal Grey, Vallejo Black, and Vallejo Dark Sea Blue. Roughly 2:1:1, I made a lot of this mix and put it in an old pot.
Armor: Dark Metal
Shoulder Things: Vallejo Black/Grey
Hammer Head: Vallejo Gunmetal Grey
Citadel Nuln Oil Shade
Loin Cloth, Weapon Grip and Shoulder Edging: Vallejo Hull Red
Citadel Carb. Crimson Shade
Halo, Loin cloth scales, Accents: Vallejo Gold, Citadel Dryad Bark 2:1
Citadel Reikland Fleshshade
Script Cloth thingy: Vallejo German Camo WWII Beige
Citadel Agrax Earthshade
I think I'm happy with that start. I might mix in black to the black grey to make it a bit darker on the shoulders and the scabard. The main armor will brighten up a bit too after the highlighting so that might help it too.