Chaos Cup 2015 is almost here and this years theme is Chaos Dwarves. A friend of mine took up the challenge of organizing a Legacy Team for this year. Well, I did this sometime ago and I thought I'd do it again. Last time I made a piece for a legacy team it was a dark elf lineman, this time I'm painting up a hobgoblin. Time is a bit short for me at the moment so I'm not trying any conversions or building, I'm just going with straight hobgoblin from GW Blood Bowl.
We took a family vacation and I decided to take some stuff along and paint at night. I did most of the highlighting and some more of the base colors while there. When I got home I finished up the skull thingy and his head cloth. I noticed some poor coloring in areas, so I'll fix that up with some glazes. This weekend I'll finish that up and finish the base. I'll post the finished product then. For now here's where it stands.
Almost done |
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