My ever slowing progress on my rotter flesh has lead me to a few new steps. I had already based his skin beige and given him a sepia wash as noted previously. Now to make him look diseased and decayed.
My first step was to dry brush it with the beige color and then with it lightened by some off white. I them added some green and blue blotches by thinning the colors down with medium. The blue areas really stood out.
Dry brushed and blotches |
My next step was to mix up a purplish wash. It was made with beige, green, blue, red, and some flesh wash until I got a dark purple color and then I added medium and water until it was wash consistency.
Purple-ish |
The final step was meant to give the rotter a green tint. I added yellow and blue until I had the green I wanted and then it needs to be thinned down some more.
Greenish |
He has since dried and has a disgusting skin tone to work from. I'm happy with how the skin looks, now to add some detail to it.
I also finally got my Witch Hunters primed and can start getting color on them too.
Some local gamers are in the process of starting up a local game club mostly featuring WHFB which I have never played but am interested in. I enjoy painting so the thought of painting up a ton of minis is exciting but spend money on all the models I need isn't in the cards right now but we'll get there.