Friday, May 16, 2014

Something New

I'm taking a short break from my DoA team.  I was recently given some Chaos Warrior models for Warhammer Fantasy Battle.  I'm not painting this team yet but I have been seeking out blogs and videos to get tips on how to paint them.

I have gotten advice from a few friends about how to play them, what goes best where, how many of what to have, what pieces should be in a group, on and on.  I have new questions for them all the time and they have been very helpful and very patient with me.  Thank you's to them.

In seeking out their advice and looking through what I like, I've decided to go with a Nurgle unit,  I have been looking for painting ideas for them and I came across a color scheme and style to paint them.  I found a description of a technique I want to try.  I'm going to give controlled glazing a go.  Randroid from Drinkin' and Modelin' told me about glazing a while ago but I didn't understand correctly.  I think that I do now.

Here is my first attempt at glazing.  I decided to practice on the model's spear in the color I think I want for the Nurgle Warriors armor.

 I didn't pay attention to a particular light source, I was just trying to get a smooth transition.  This one looks like one of those red, white, and blue popsicles.  

The colors I used were:
Base of Vallejo Model Color German Uniform 70.920
Three layers of Citadel Camo Green made into a glaze with acrylic medium, each one slightly smaller than the last.
Two layers of the Camo Green Glaze mixed with Citadel Bleached Bone made into a glaze with acrylic medium, each one slightly smaller than the last.
Two layers of the Bleached Bone Glaze, each one slightly smaller than the last.
Two layers of VMC GU made into a glaze with acrylic medium, each one slightly smaller than the last.
Two layers of the GU glaze mixed with Citadel Liche Purple made into a glaze with acrylic medium, each one slightly smaller than the last.

I did both sides this way and wanted to make the transitions smoother.


This photo was taken after doing:
Two layers of the GU glaze over the entire length of the blade
Then I did an extreme edge highlight with the Bleached Bone Glaze.

For a first effort I am pretty happy with it.  I need to get the blend more natural but I think I like the colors.  

Back to work on the DoA but I think I'll continue to take breaks to practice this method.

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