Monday, May 19, 2014


Thank you Randroid!  Drinkin' and Modelin' is awesome.  I apologize, I don't know of many blogs or read many for that matter.  I am using the Liebster as a motivation. Because of it, I'll read more and hopefully get some more ideas about how to improve in the hobby and blogging.

I do find the responses to the questions interesting, so I'll give my answers to them.

Q&A here goes.
  1. Why did you start blogging? - The intention for this blog was to give myself a reference for my painting and motivation to stay on task.  I intend to post pictures and words about what/how I'm doing something and through that I can look back to what I've done for future reference.  Now I'm very new to painting and have limited to no artistic ability so any method I've tried comes from the advise of painters, reading, or watching videos.  I am constantly at Randroid's ear to pick his brain about how to do something.
  2. If you could change one thing about the wargaming hobby, what would it be? - Right now I play Blood Bowl.   When I was in my teens I tried Dungeons and Dragons but didn't take to it.  I have decided to give WHFB a go and will hopefully be doing that soon.  All that is to say that I don't know much about it, so I don't know what I'd change.
  3. What is best in life? - This may sound incredibly lame to some out there but this is my honest answer, love.  Family, friends, people, that's what makes the world go around.
  4. Do you want to live forever? - Here? No.
  5. Fame or fortune? - Definitely fortune.  I don't need people to know what I'm doing, but I want the ability to give freely.  There are so so many good people and good causes that could be advanced in life.  I don't want a mansion (I'll take my little house thank you), I don't need fancy cars, I don't want material things; I want to be a blessing.
  6. What miniature are you most proud of having painted?  I'm learning so much all the time that it's always the next one.
  7. How do you deal with burn out?  I just stop.  The itch will come back in the form of some sort of inspiration.
  8. Why is a raven like a writing desk? - Huh?
  9. Star Wars or Star Trek? - Meh.  Not much for Sci-Fi.
  10. If you could only buy from one miniature company from now on, which one would it be? - Are there any companies who sell minis from all manufactures?  No?  Still that one.
  11. What is your favorite take out?  Fat kids like food, I'm "not slim."
I realize I'm not fulfilling my obligation to "pass it on" but I'll be checking out other blogs and list and hopefully I'll find more.  From what I've seen, this community is awesome, I'm glad to be a part of it.

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