Friday, December 20, 2013

Paint Log - Like Liquid White from Fallen Glass

Nothing to cry over.

As I stated before, I am trying to paint the model that will become Bobby Elvis in a white jumpsuit.  I have read and been told a million times white is an extremely difficult color to paint.  So here is my try.

I started all my DoA characters with an undercoat of black primer.  I decided to add some green stuff to the bottom of Bobby’s leg before priming to look like bellbottoms (learning process).  I decided before painting to go with a warm white, brown versus blue, but not too brown.  The first layer of paint was a 1:1 mix of VOW and VBG.  The next layer I added a drop of VOW.  For the third layer I added another drop.  Each layer was thinner than the last.  When I finished this I used a wash of CAE thinned down 5:1 with water.  After this dried I did another later of VOW with VBG at a 5:1 ratio.  At this point I decided to finish up the rest of the base coats before moving on.

Putting these pictures on here helps with seeing what is working and what's not.

White pants and sleeves coming along.

White probably can use another coat.  But I want to finish basing the remainder of the model first.  Just to see how it looks.
At this point the miniature looks quite messy but as detail and more highlighting/shading happen it should clean up.  Any comments and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks


1 comment:

  1. Ack painting white!!

    My advice outside what you have already done is to use a light white or grey primer on the model and not black. It's hard to cover up all that black.

    Also save the pure white for highlights only and use the white and wash mixtures for the other coats. Good luck!! I painted that dang Nun team black and white and that was such a pain...
