Monday, December 22, 2014

Update 12/22/14: Mordheim

My motivations jump around like crazy.  I haven't been in a painting mood for awhile now and I don't want to force it.  But it's not as if I don't want to do anything.  For whatever reason the terrain bug has hit me.  I showed the start of a two story ruin last week and I've started a multitude of other buildings since then.  I want to do at least one more two story ruin and on three story before I start the finishing touches and start painting. 

In the meantime I've been working on a few elevation change sections made from some extruded poly my friend gave me.  I decided one section would look like stone and the other brick.  Here is what I have so far:

I only have a few sides done to this point.  I like the distress look on the brick tile and that is much easier and faster to do.  The "stone" tile takes a long time.  I see from the photo I need to do more depth differences to make the stones look real.  I am happy with the overall look.  I just hope it looks good painted up.  I took a quick scale picture too.  The elevations are high enough to make the players climb or find stairs.

The plan is to have multiple elevation section.  With the brick pattern being so much easier to make, it will likely show up much more often. 

I hope to have a lot more to show you soon.

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