In 2016 Games Workshop re-released Blood Bowl. Since then they have released a couple supplements describing league play and adding a bit to the fluff of the game. The supplements included descriptions of 8 classic teams.
Xtreme (Zlurpcast's Other Guy) created an event, that is going to be a series, around these legendary teams. Eight coaches from around the Midwest have been assigned to each team and will be leading them onto the pitch. As new teams are introduced they will be created but for this round there are eight. Each coach is responsible for creating the players as described in the fluff, using proper colors and physical traits, and creating new and interesting fluff about the teams.
The teams are:
Bright Crusaders, Human
Orcland Raiders, Orc
Celestial Comets, Elf
Grudge Bearers, Dwarf
Greenboyz, Goblin
Warpfire Wanderers, Skaven
Chaos All Stars, Chaos Pact
Underworld Creepers, Underworld
I was assigned to the Warpfire Wanderers. I've not coached a skaven team more than a couple times so I'm looking forward to that aspect. The first step I'm taking is acquiring miniatures and prepping them to become the Wanderers. The team has a bit of a warpstone issue. They like the green and their bodies have the mutations to show for it. I've chose to use mostly third edition skaven miniatures to make up my team.
Here are some of the metal I've chosen:
Linerats |
A lot of the linerats need mutations. The extra arms is a sculpt, I'll need to make the rest. There are six linerats on the team so I won't need to use all of these minis.
Blitzers |
The one with the claw will have red fur. The other will have a snake-like tail.
Throwers |
The miniature without the big hand is supposed to be fur-less and covered in sores, should be fun.
Gutter Runners |
There are only two gutter runners on the team but one has very long legs. I'm trying to decide how I can use the one in the middle (with vll) to make a gutter runner. Both runners will get weeping daggers.
Extras |
Some of these may become sideline figs and some may just be inspirations. The rat that looks mostly painted has been in break fluid for a total of 72 hours and the paint still won't come off. I don't know what was used on that model.
Other Plans, these haven't been fully fleshed out:
Cheerleaders - Comixininos pieces, mod some unused linerats
Apoth - Comixininos
Counters - giant rats, Warpstone thingies
3D Dugout - Sewer Themed
Team bus
Locker room/Carrying case - Sewer Themed
The other coaches are all putting their stuff together and are coming up with great and inspiring ideas. This event is gonna be a blast.