Dog Bowl Five is fast approaching. I've been working on my Stormcast and thought I needed a break or two. We are organizing a Blood Bowl 7's Game in the Chaotic Realm to be played as a one-off for those getting to town early. Randroid and I have been running the Dog Bowl since 2013 and we wanted to throw a wrinkle into this one.
We are painting up some old school metal Chaos Warrior models to represent the Chaos Gods. Randroid is doing Tzeentch and Slaanesh. I am doing two, Nurgle and Khorne. These are old models so I had to strip mine first.
We decided to give the miniatures some additional flair so I decided to do some modifications. The Khorne Warrior will get horns and the Nurgle Warrior will get some tentacles.
Here are some of the steps I took:
Nurgle added tentacles |
The yellow protrusions coming out are the thin wires (stripped twist ties) used for support and shaping of the greenstuff. I used a file to get a texture of sorts on the tentacles but I'm not sure it's enough. I've seen a comb technique I may try. We'll see.
Khorne added horns |
The horns were from some extra bits I had laying around. I also added a skull to the base, why not. I need to do some clean-up on that line on the right horn. I did some damage to the left horn to hopefully make it look "used".
I will be cleaning up the sculpting and such this is just to get a start on them. The tentacles are going to get suction cups as well.