I actually did a lot this week but pictures are lacking.
Plans and Projects - from Jan 4.
- Prime bull centaur if it's not too cold - done (on the dowel)
- Gap/building work on Humans and AoW - done (no pic)
- Clean those that gap work is completed on - done (no pic)
- Prime Humans and AoW if it's not too cold - done (see pic)
- Clean and prepare one mummy from Undead team - not done (honestly, forgot)
29 Miniatures Ready for Paint |
I still need to finish building 5 AoW gorillas. There are 5 dog models and two dark elf models on there I didn't plan on doing originally. The dark elves are to finish up my Harvesters of Sorrow that I forgot I had unpainted. The dogs are to be used in my Witch Hunters warband for Mordheim (just in case I ever play that game again).
I am finding I want to switch up my posting plan for this year. I like reviewing on Monday's but waiting until Fridays to post my plans isn't working. I think I'll start including my plans for the next week in the review post of the week prior. Fridays are going to remain showcase days. I still intend to do gaming post but since games are so few and far between, those posts are going to be sporadic.
Plans and Projects for Jan 11 - Jan 17
- Block in colors for remaining dark elf pieces.
- Block in colors on bull centaur.
- Block in colors on dogs.
- Start converting final chaos dwarf blocker.
- Block in colors on AoW minis that were just primed.