It's like riding a bike... the falling off part. |
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Update 5/21/15: Mordheim
It seems like forever since I've done any painting and it has been quite a long time. I got a whopping 15 minutes set aside to paint yesterday and I used it to get one coat of paint on two rats skin. This should've probably taken about two minutes but I forgot something as simple as how much water to add to my paint. My first efforts were way too watery and then too thick. I finally got the consistency I wanted about one minute before my wife called down to me to let me know my timer was going off. I quick snapped a photo. I figured it would be a reminder of how much I need to keep painting to even stay okay at it.
Friday, May 15, 2015
In the Meantime
No Spacehog here.
We decided to build three warbands a piece and play them in some random fashion. The first game of this campaign was Witch Hunters versus Skaven. We are playing these races in KUMC1 but we started these wb's from scratch. We rolled off to see which scenario from the rule book we would be competing in. We rolled up Skirmish, which is the most basic for of play. Set-up and go fight.
The game started with the Rats having the first turn. They used it move toward the center of the board. Turn one for the Witch Hunters was the same.
Turn two meant the Skaven could get close enough to unleash their first volley of sling fire. The WH sustained no damage from the shots and proceeded to move closer. Their one missile weapon, a cross-bow, was able to take one verminkin out-of-action.
Turn three saw the Skaven move tactically out of WH charge range for the most part. They were still able to fire a large sling barrage. However, they were only able to stun one zealot. Turn three did allow for some charges to come from the WH. The shooting and combat in this round took out two more rats, another verminkin and a giant rat. They stunned another giant rat but didn't do enough damage to cause a rout test.
Skaven turn four saw them take out two flagellants in hand-to-hand combat and they knocked down a WH in shooting. Witch Hunter turn four started with two crazy zealots charging the assassin. One almost took out the leader with his spear but it was not to be as the return attack from the leader stunned him. A WH was able to take out a giant rat that had been stunned earlier and that was enough to cause the rats to route.
Post game exploration earned the WH four shards and the Skaven 3. The WH also found some stuff it didn't have money for. Oh well. Here are a couple pics.
I intend to do some painting and terrain stuff soon. Haven't done those in a long time.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Darkest Before Dawn 5/1/15
Darkest Before Dawn
There’s power in the nighttime that you won’t find in the
day. Greed doesn’t only manifest while the sun is up, it grows stronger in the
dark. Rumor has it that the Scalari hid
a multitude of riches around the city and a map to some of these treasures is
buried in the square.
4’ x 4’ table. Each
player takes turns putting out terrain on the table. Each warband will place one treasure chest.
Each warband will start within 10” of a table corner. The warband with the lowest rating will deploy
first, then the next lowest and so on.
If there are more than four warbands, play can be on a 6’ x 4’ field and
deployment will be spaced out close to evenly.
Starting the scenario
Roll off d6, then go clockwise from the high roller
Ending the scenario
All but one warbands routes, maximum of 8 turns
Special Rules
To open a treasure chest come into base to base contact with
a chest. Roll a d6, on a 4+ the chest
opens. Each chest can only be opened
once contains 2d6 gold. Any chest left
un-opened at the end of the game is vacated.
Night fighting – During the first four turns of battle it is
dark out. When shooting, all to hit
rolls have a negative one modifier.
Shots needing a 6 to hit (before darkness modifier) cannot be fired.
Treasures – Beneath the gallows at the center of the square
there is a map. The first hero to come
into base contact with the gallows get the map.
If the hero is knocked down/stunned/OOA he drops the map and it is
picked up by the attacker. If the hero
is knocked down/stunned/OOA by shooting the map falls to the ground. The next hero to come into contact with the
map now has it. The hero that holds the map
when the scenario ends will add it to his warbands holdings. If no one holds the map at the end it is lost.
+1 to
winning warband leader (if multiple warbands fulfill all eight turns this is
not given out)
+1 to a
hero for any warrior taken out of action
+1 to
the hero that holds the map
The hero holding the map may re-roll one exploration
dice. Also his roll for rare items gets
a +2.
The scenario actually started and ended in the dark. Four warbands routed on their turn four. The scenario winners were the Ratkateers. However, they were unable to obtain the map.
Here are some photos of the game:
The scenario actually started and ended in the dark. Four warbands routed on their turn four. The scenario winners were the Ratkateers. However, they were unable to obtain the map.
Here are some photos of the game:
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City setup |
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City setup |
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Dwarves to the left of me, Skaven to the right... |
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Set to Charge a Rat Ogre... didn't go well. |
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