I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The twelve players are now basecoated. In the past I listed specifically what colors were painted for each guy but now I think I'll just add that information when it produces a result I really like. Here are the players:
#1 Snatchit Quikk |
Big hand
#4 Furrut Ringtail |
Little to no fur, sores attempting to show Foul Appearance
#2 Rattagat Bruxt |
Claw, Reddish fur and skin
#8 Rutch Snaketail |
Tried to make his tail look like a snake, put snake on his base to show Prehensile Tail
Gutter Runners:
#3 Skritter the Leaper |
Very long legs, added cape, hood and dagger
#7 Hrut Hornspike |
Added horns and dagger
#6 Kreet Funglefoot |
Green stuff tentacles
#10 "Hideous" Hakk Frottlespit |
Greenish skin and fur, pile of "poop" behind him to show Disturbing Presence
#9 Rosvin Ratz |
Two-heads, albino fur
#11 Vermin Valdech |
Nothing special he just has Block
#5 Morb Weazle |
Extra arms
not individually pictured, Krut Blackfoot. He doesn't like people getting too close to his blackened foot. Fend. Left most linerat in the group photo.