Friday, October 25, 2013

To Do List 10-25

This is the breakdown of what I've done.  I still want to improve lighting in my painting area.  I want to improve my set-up but have run into a bit of a time problem.  Set-up thus moves to the new list.

1.  Build a primer board.  Oct 5 - Done
2.  Prime Dwarfs of Anarchy. Oct 24 - Done
3.  Set-up paint area.  Oct 24 - Postponed

Family obligations over the next week and a half will mean the painting stuff takes a break.

The big gaming endeavor for the time being is a Blood Bowl variant, Street Bowl.  Randroid is building a Street Bowl pitch and I'm excited to play on it.  There are many random events in this game and some of them can change your player types.  I have some big guy models from Impact! Miniatures' Middle Kingdom resin team that I want to get ready for the streets.

To do:
1.  Prime big guy models.  Nov 8
2.  Build/Prime Sideline figures for the D.O.A.  Nov 8
3.  Prime Deathroller pieces.  Nov 8

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Let's Try This Again - To Do List

I didn't realize just how much time and effort it would take to move.  We aren't close to done but I want to do a to do list for October.  I have worked on my dwarf test model from my first list so that will show up again.  I'm going to have modest goals so I can actually obtain them.  Oh yeah, with the new house comes an area I will turn into my painting area.

1.  Build a primer board.  Oct 5
2.  Prime Dwarfs of Anarchy. Oct 24
3.  Set-up paint area.  Oct 24